V. Franceschi, R. Monti: Isoperimetric Problem in H-type groups and Grushin spaces Revista Matemática Iberoabericana (Accepted Paper) 2014 V. Franceschi, G. P. Leonardi, R. Monti: Quantitative isoperimetric inequalities in $\mathbb H ^n$ Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations Vol. 54, N. 3, p. 3229-3239, 2015 V. Franceschi: Sharp and Quantitative Isoperimetric Inequalities in Carnot-Carathéodory Spaces (Phd Thesis) 2016 V. Franceschi, D. Prandi, L. Rizzi: Recent results on the essential self-adjointness of sub-Laplacians, with some remarks on the presence of characteristic points Séminaire de Théorie spectrale et géométrie (Grenoble) (Proceedings) Vol. 33, p. 1-15, 2016 V. Franceschi: A minimal partition problem with trace constraint in the Grushin plane Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 2017 V. Franceschi, F. Montefalcone, R. Monti: CMC spheres in the Heisenberg group Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces (Accepted Paper) 2019 M. Bertalmío, V. Calatroni, V. Franceschi, B. Franceschiello, D. Prandi: A cortical-inspired model for orientation-dependent contrast perception: a link with Wilson-Cowan equations. (Proceedings) 2019 R. Adami, U. Boscain, V. Franceschi, D. Prandi: Point interactions for 3D sub-Laplacians Annales IHP C - Analyse Nonlinéaire (Accepted Paper) 2019 V. Franceschi, G. Stefani: Symmetric double bubbles in the Grushin plane ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. Vol. 25, p. Paper No. 77, 37, 2019 V. Franceschi, D. Prandi: Hardy-type inequalities for the Carnot-Carathéodory distance in the Heisenberg group Journal of Geometric Analysis 2020 V. Franceschi, D. Prandi, L. Rizzi: On the essential self-adjointness of singular sub-Laplacians Potential Anal. Vol. 53, p. 89-112, 2020 M. Bertalmío, L. Calatroni, V. Franceschi, B. Franceschiello, A. Gomez-Villa, D. Prandi: Visual illusions via neural dynamics: Wilson-Cowan-type models and the efficient representation principle Journal of Neurophysiology (Accepted Paper) 2020 M. Bertalmío, L. Calatroni, V. Franceschi, B. Franceschiello, D. Prandi: Cortical-inspired Wilson-Cowan-type equations for orientation-dependent contrast perception modelling JMIV 2020 E. Baspinar, L. Calatroni, V. Franceschi, D. Prandi: A cortical-inspired sub-Riemannian model for Poggendorff-type visual illusions Journal of Imaging 2020 V. Franceschi, R. Monti, A. Righini, M. Sigalotti: The isoperimetric problem for regular and crystalline norms in $\mathbb H^1$ Journal of Geometric Analysis 2020 U. Boscain, D. Cannarsa, V. Franceschi, M. Sigalotti: Local controllability does imply global controllability (Preprint) 2021 B. Cassano, V. Franceschi, D. Krejcirik, D. Prandi: Horizontal magnetic fields and improved Hardy inequalities in the Heisenberg group (Preprint) 2021 V. Franceschi, R. Monti, A. Socionovo: Mean value formulas on surfaces in Grushin spaces (Preprint) 2023 V. Franceschi, A. Pratelli, G. Stefani: On the Steiner property for planar minimizing clusters. The isotropic case. Commun. Contemp. Math. Vol. 25, N. 5, p. 2250040, 29 pp., 2023 V. Franceschi, K. Naderi, K. Pankrashkin: Embedded trace operator for infinite metric trees (preprint) 2023 V. Franceschi, A. Pratelli, G. Stefani: On the Steiner property for planar minimizing clusters. The anisotropic case. J. Éc. polytech. Math. Vol. 10, p. 989--1045, 2023 V. Franceschi, A. Pinamonti, G. Saracco, G. Stefani: The Cheeger problem in abstract measure spaces J. London Math. Soc. (2) Vol. 119, N. 1, p. e12840, 2024