D. Bourne, M. Peletier, F. Theil: Optimality of the triangular lattice for a particle system with Wasserstein interaction Communications in Mathematical Physics Vol. 329, N. 1, p. 117-140, 2014 D. Bourne, M. Peletier, S. Roper: Hexagonal patterns in a simplified model for block copolymers SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics Vol. 74, N. 5, p. 1315-1337, 2014 D. Bourne, S. Roper: Centroidal power diagrams, Lloyd's algorithm and applications to optimal location problems SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis Vol. 53, N. 6, p. 2545-2569, 2015 D. Bourne, S. Conti, S. Müller: Folding patterns in partially delaminated thin films Innovative Numerical Approaches for Multi-Field and Multi-Scale Problems, A. Pandolfi and K. Weinberg (eds.), Springer Vol. 81, p. 25-39, 2016 D. Bourne, S. Conti, S. Müller: Energy Bounds for a Compressed Elastic Film on a Substrate Journal of Nonlinear Science Vol. 27, N. 2, p. 453-494, 2017 D. Bourne, D. Cushing, S. Liu, F. Münch, N. Peyerimhoff: Ollivier-Ricci idleness functions of graphs SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics Vol. 32, N. 2, p. 1408-1424, 2018 D. Bourne, P. J. J. Kok, S. M. Roper, W. D. T. Spanjer: Laguerre tessellations and polycrystalline microstructures: A fast algorithm for generating grains of given volumes Philosophical Magazine Vol. 100, N. 21, p. 2677-2707, 2020 D. Bourne, R. Cristoferi: Asymptotic optimality of the triangular lattice for a class of optimal location problems Communications in Mathematical Physics Vol. 387, p. 1549-1602, 2021 D. Bourne, C. Egan, B. Pelloni, M. Wilkinson: Semi-discrete optimal transport methods for the semi-geostrophic equations Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations Vol. 61, 2022 D. Bourne, C. Cotter, M. Cullen, C. Egan, B. Pelloni, S. Roper, M. Wilkinson: A new implementation of the geometric method for solving the Eady slice equations Journal of Computational Physics Vol. 469, p. 111542, 2022 D. Bourne, M. Pearce, S. Roper: Geometric modelling of polycrystalline materials: Laguerre tessellations and periodic semi-discrete optimal transport Mechanics Research Communications Vol. 127, p. 104023, 2023 D. Bourne, M. Pearce, S. Roper: Inverting Laguerre tessellations: Recovering tessellations from the volumes and centroids of their cells using optimal transport (Submitted Paper) 2024 D. Bourne, B. Schmitzer, B. Wirth: Semi-discrete unbalanced optimal transport and quantization (Submitted Paper) 2024 D. Bourne, M. Buze, J. Feydy, S. Roper, K. Sedighiani: Anisotropic power diagrams for polycrystal modelling: Efficient generation of curved grains via optimal transport Computational Materials Science Vol. 245, p. 113317, 2024