E. Cinti: Bistable elliptic equations with fractional diffusion (Phd Thesis) 2010 X. Cabré, E. Cinti: Energy estimates and 1-D symmetry for nonlinear equations involving the half-Laplacian Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Vol. 28, N. 3, p. 1179--1206, 2010 E. Cinti: Saddle-shaped solutions of bistable elliptic equations involving the half-Laplacian Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa (Accepted Paper) 2011 X. Cabré, E. Cinti: Sharp energy estimates for nonlinear fractional diffusion equations Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations (Accepted Paper) 2012 E. Cinti, J. Tan: A NONLINEAR LIOUVILLE THEOREM FOR FRACTIONAL EQUATIONS IN THE HEISENBERG GROUP Journal of Math. Analysis and Appl. (Accepted Paper) 2014 E. Cinti, F. Ferrari: Geometric inequalities for fractional Laplace operators and applications NoDea (Accepted Paper) 2015 E. Cinti, J. Davila, M. Del Pino: Solutions of the fractional Allen-Cahn equation which are invariant under screw motion J. London Math. Soc. (Accepted Paper) 2015 E. Cinti, F. Otto: Interpolation inequalities in pattern formation J. Funct. Anal. (Accepted Paper) 2016 E. Cinti, B. Franchi, M. M. González: $\Gamma$-convergence of variational functionals with boundary terms in Stein manifolds Calc. Var. and PDE (Accepted Paper) 2016 E. Cinti, J. Serra, E. Valdinoci: Quantitative flatness results and BV-estimates for stable nonlocal minimal surfaces J. Diff. Geom. (Accepted Paper) 2016 E. Cinti, C. Sinestrari, E. Valdinoci: Neckpinch singularities in Fractional Mean Curvature Flows Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. (Accepted Paper) 2016 E. Cinti: Saddle-shaped solutions for the fractional Allen-Cahn equation DCDS-S (Accepted Paper) 2017 L. Brasco, E. Cinti: On fractional Hardy inequalities in convex sets Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. A (Accepted Paper) p. 25, 2017 X. Cabré, E. Cinti, J. Serra: Stable $s$-minimal cones in $\mathbb R^3$ are flat for $s\sim 1$ J. Reine Angew. Math. (Crelle's Journal). (Accepted Paper) 2017 E. Cinti, P. Miraglio, E. Valdinoci: One-dimensional symmetry for the solutions of a three-dimensional water wave problem J. Geom. Anal. (Accepted Paper) 2017 E. Cinti, A. Pratelli: Regularity of isoperimetric sets in $\mathbb R^2$ with density Math. Ann. 2017 E. Cinti, A. Pratelli: The $\varepsilon-\varepsilon^\beta$ property, the boundedness of isoperimetric sets in $\mathbb R^N$ with density, and some applications J. Reine Angew. Math. (Crelle) 2017 E. Cinti: Flatness results for nonlocal phase transitions Springer INDAM Series (Accepted Paper) 2018 E. Cinti, C. Sinestrari, E. Valdinoci: Convex sets evolving by volume preserving fractional mean curvature flows Analysis & PDE (Accepted Paper) 2018 E. Cinti, F. Colasuonno: A nonlocal supercritical Neumann problem J. Differential Equations (Accepted Paper) 2019 L. Brasco, E. Cinti, S. Vita: A quantitative stability estimate for the fractional Faber-Krahn inequality J. Funct. Anal. (Accepted Paper) p. 36, 2020 E. Cinti, R. Ognibene, B. Ruffini: A quantitative stability inequality for fractional capacities Mathematics in Engineering p. 27, 2021 X. Cabré, E. Cinti, J. Serra: Stable solutions to the fractional Allen-Cahn equation in the nonlocal perimeter regime (Submitted Paper) 2021 E. Cinti, F. Colasuonno: Existence and non-existence results for a semilinear fractional Neumann problem (Submitted Paper) 2022 E. Cinti, F. Glaudo, A. Pratelli, X. Ros-Oton, J. Serra: Sharp quantitative stability for isoperimtric inequalities with homogeneous weights Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 2022 L. Beck, E. Cinti, C. Seis: Optimal regularity of isoperimetric sets with H\"older densities (Submitted Paper) 2023