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Introduction to numerical methods for moving boundaries

\textbf{Introduction to numerical methods for moving boundaries, Paris (France).}

This school focuses on three courses:

- Level sets method (J.-D. Benamou)

- Fast marching method (M. Falcone)

- Graph cuts method (A. Chambolle and D. Cremers)

A common point of these methods is their efficiency to compute numerically the evolution of curves or surfaces.
These three courses are designed for students, engineers or researchers not specialists in the field. The goal is to provide a basic introduction to the methods. This will be particularly helpful for participants who want either to use these methods as a tool, or who consider these courses as a starting point for future research.

Participants are welcome to apply before October 22 to give a mini-talk (20 min). Only a limited number of such mini-talks will be selected. These talks can either concern a research work, or present an industrial application which could require one of the above methods.

The registration is free but mandatory. Lunch will be offered if you register before October 31.

A limited number of grants are available for participants applying before October 22. The grants will cover traveling costs and/or accommodation during the school.

The school will held at


32 Boulevard Victor,

75739 Paris cedex 15, France

For more information you can send an email to

Mon Nov 12 – Wed Nov 14, 2007